We are seeking public input on our draft five-year plan goals and objectives for 2022-2026.
Download a copy of the draft here
Submit comments at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GCDDARPLAN
The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Arkansas (the Council) serves as the State of Arkansas’ council on developmental disabilities (DD). Under federal law, Public Law 106–402, each state is authorized to establish a council on DD, which receives funds to carry out initiatives for systems-change, capacity building, and advocacy. Through these activities, the Council promotes the inclusion, integration, independence and productivity of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in all areas of community life. All State Councils on DD are required to develop five-year state plans to enable them to effectively fulfill their mission.
Consistent with federal requirements, the Council’s draft state plan goals and objectives are being released for a 45-day public comment period, beginning 04/07/2021. Comments will be considered by the Council at the next quarterly meeting, at which time members will determine if any changes should be made to the FFY 2022-2026 draft goals and objectives. The 5-Year State Plan will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living (ACL) for review and approval.
The Council will submit its plan to the ACL for approval by August 15, 2021. The approved plan will be effective October 1, 2021, for a five-year period ending September 30, 2026.
Alternate format, Marshallese language and Spanish language versions of this plan are available upon request.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 501-682-4431