The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Arkansas meets quarterly, on the second Thursday of March, June, September and December, from 10am-1pm (Central).
There was a Special Full Council Meeting on May 5, 2022, to decide funding for projects supported under the Council’s Competitive Funding Program for the 2022-2023 grant period.
As of June 2022, the Council is meeting in-person with an online/call-in option. Attendees who are not members may request the meeting link, login and call-in information from staff. We will continue to monitor the public health situation in Arkansas and may shift meetings to fully virtual or fully in-person as needed. Public notice will be provided.
This is a public meeting. TypeWell service (a live transcription service offering real-time captioning) will be available. If you plan to attend and need other specific supports or accommodations, please contact staff as early as possible in order to give reasonable notice for our staff to make the arrangements.
Contact: [email protected]
2022 Quarterly Meetings – GCDDAR
March 10
June 9
September 12 (Changed from September 8 due to Member Retreat dates)
December 8