Arkansas Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

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For Immediate Release:  April 13, 2023

LITTLE ROCK — Temporary lodging in hotels or motels is now available for eligible residents displaced from their homes by the March 31 tornadoes, the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS), the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM), and the American Red Cross announced today.

This program will provide safe and comfortable lodging while helping residents displaced by tornado damage work toward permanent housing solutions. Displaced residents in Pulaski, Lonoke, and Cross counties who need temporary housing are asked to call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

“I’ve traveled around our state to meet with tornado victims, first responders, and local, state, and national leaders. We’ve made tremendous progress in addressing Arkansans’ needs, but it will take time before affected communities can recover fully,” said Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders. “Today, I’m announcing that Arkansas is partnering with the Red Cross to get tornado victims in temporary lodging quickly. They bring the expertise and resources we’ll need to support our fellow Arkansans until they’re back on their feet.”

Through this program, DHS, ADEM, and Red Cross are working with hotels in the affected counties or in nearby communities. Individuals or families who participate in the program will be placed in hotel or motel rooms and provided meals. To further help disaster survivors, Red Cross and FEMA case managers will address the needs of each eligible citizen and support their recovery progress in coordination with DHS.

Additional resources to assist tornado victims are available at, as well as through the services listed below:

• American Red Cross Services: Feeding, Sheltering, Health/Mental Health Services, Spiritual Care, Recovery Planning and Assistance | Phone: (800) RED-CROSS |

• FEMA Assistance: Apply for federal Disaster Assistance. | Phone: (800) 621-3362 |

• Aunt Bertha: Food, Clothing, Housing, Transportation, Legal Assistance, Work, Financial Assistance |

• Crisis Cleanup: Home Cleanup Hotline Open | Phone: (844) 965-1386 |
