Council supported projects for the 2024-2025 grant period. The funded project period ends 06/30/2025:
The Marshallese Interpreting for Community Inclusion (MICI) Project – A capacity building, systems change effort to address language barriers and equitable access to disability services in the Marshallese community by providing appropriately trained interpreters who also serve as cultural liaisons for information on cross-cultural views on disability and accessing services. MICI will strengthen community capacity and support project sustainability by training a team of experienced interpreters, expanding access to current interpreter training, increasing the number of training sessions provided to disability service providers, and increasing networking opportunities between the Marshallese community and disability service providers. Start Date: 08/01/2024. SOLICITED AWARD. Subgrant #: 25-UAP-2425-SOL, Subgrantee: University of Arkansas, Partners for Inclusive Communities
- The Council has the discretion to allocate funds through a competitive grant process, solicitation of work (solicited subgrant or other contract), direct expenditure or a combination of these approaches. The Council is bound to grant awards only to the extent that the funds are or become available to the agency from the federal funder (US HHS/ACL/OIDD). All grants/subgrants are reimbursement grants.
- Competitive Grant Process – GCDD Arkansas operates on a two-year competitive funding cycle. Most Council funded projects have an option to request a continuation for a second year of funding. New competitive funding opportunities are issued every-other-year, if federal funding is available.
This section will be updated as more projects are funded across the state.
For additional information contact: [email protected] or 501-682-2897.
The Council is supporting a variety of projects across the state in the 2023-2024 grant period. The project period ended 06/30/2024:
The Charting the LifeCourse Project – Continue efforts to increase the capacity of individuals to navigate their own life, as well as increasing the capacity of parents/caregivers capacity to support these efforts; improve the individuals with developmental disabilities self-advocacy abilities, as well as their parents/caregivers abilities to support them and advocate for them when appropriate; develop the skills of individuals with developmental disabilities, their parents and caregivers, to support others to become self-advocates to participate and be involved in the improvements of the service delivery system, policy, and practices. This project serves and supports English speaking individuals and families as well as Marshallese & Latino/Hispanic families who have limited English proficiency, have intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and encounter cultural and language barriers to information & services within the community. The subgrantee began by utilizing the Charting the LifeCourse framework as an organizational transformation tool during the first grant period ending 06/30/23 and continues using the tools to improve service and supports to their clients. COMPETITIVE AWARD CONTINUATION. Subgrant #: 24-ASN-2324-SGC, Subgrantee: Arkansas Support Network
The Marshallese Interpreting for Community Inclusion (MICI) Project – Continue efforts to address language barriers and equitable access to disability services in the Marshallese community by providing appropriately trained interpreters who also serve as cultural liaisons for information on cross-cultural views on disability and accessing services. MICI will strengthen community capacity and support project sustainability by training a team of experienced interpreters, expanding access to current interpreter training, increasing the number of training sessions provided to disability service providers, and increasing networking opportunities between the Marshallese community and disability service providers. COMPETITIVE AWARD CONTINUATION. Subgrant #: 24-UAP-2324-SGC, Subgrantee: University of Arkansas, Partners for Inclusive Communities
The Arkansas Alliance for Disability Advocacy (AADA) Project – Continue efforts to create an active alliance of advocacy programs that work together to give self advocates, parents and peer advocates and local & state leaders the tools they need to be active within the disability advocacy movement; the project will provide leadership training, organizational training & support and disability advocacy education. Disability Rights Arkansas and the GCDD Arkansas will work through the AADA to operate and manage the Self-Advocacy Network Development Program, the Community of Champions Program and the Partners in Policymaking Arkansas Program. SOLICITED CONTINUATION (DD Network Collaboration). Subgrant #: 24-DRA-2324-SOLC, Subgrantee: Disability Rights Arkansas
The Arkansas Community Initiative for Employment First Project – To employ a community liaison who will provide education in the community and conduct outreach to key stakeholders who support the intellectual and developmental disability population in Arkansas to gain competitive employment in their communities. Activities may include: capacity building; training and educating stakeholders; promoting the policy that employment in the general workforce, for at least minimum wage, should be the first and preferred option for individuals with disabilities receiving assistance from publicly funded systems. IN-HOUSE PROJECT-STAFF MANAGED-1 Extra Help Employee (State Match/Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration funded position, Position Title: EDUCATION & INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR, Grade Scale: GS08). Estimated value of match is approximately $25,000 (1000 hours for the position) for the project period ending 06/30/2024.
The Expanding the Public Health Workforce within the Disability Network Project – To create a collaborative project to expand the public health workforce within the DD Network (to recruit, hire, and train public health workers to respond to the pandemic and prepare for future public health challenges). This project period is 04/01/2023-06/30/2024. This subgrant utilizes ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding, rather than funding authorized under the DD Act (annual federal formula grant funds), however the activities do fall under GCDD’s current Administration for Community Living approved 5-year plan, Goal 2. This project will address the most emergent public health issue facing the IDD community at this time – the public health workforce shortage. The workforce shortage has reached a critical point both for individuals with IDD who are currently supported in the community and even more for those still waiting for community-based supports. People with disabilities do not have access to the direct care support professionals (DSPs) they need to live healthy lives because provider organizations are unable to fully staff; this is leading to some people with disabilities not being served and increasing poor health outcomes. Provider organizations and DSPs need more support to address this systemic failure of the service system. This project funds the positions for three (3) part-time public health professionals (1 full-time equivalent position) and operations costs. The project activities include: research and data collection (analyze and develop strategy of support and systems change); product development and testing (create toolkit to support change, test the product with a small group of providers, utilize feedback to improve product); production, dissemination and evaluation. SOLICITED COLLABORATION. Subgrant #: 23-UAP-22PHW, Subgrantee: University of Arkansas, Partners for Inclusive Communities EXTENDED PROJECT PERIOD TO 09/30/2024
- The Council has the discretion to allocate funds through a competitive grant process, solicitation of work (solicited subgrant or other contract), direct expenditure or a combination of these approaches. The Council is bound to grant awards only to the extent that the funds are or become available to the agency from the federal funder (US HHS/ACL/OIDD). All grants/subgrants are reimbursement grants.
- Competitive Grant Process – GCDD Arkansas operates on a two-year competitive funding cycle. Most Council funded projects have an option to request a continuation for a second year of funding. New competitive funding opportunities are issued every-other-year, if federal funding is available.
This section will be updated as more projects are funded across the state.
For additional information contact: [email protected] or 501-682-2897.
The Council supported a variety of projects across the state in the 2022-2023 grant period. The project period ended 06/30/2023:
The Charting the Life Course Project – To increase the capacity of individuals to navigate their own life, as well as increasing the capacity of parents/caregivers capacity to support these efforts; improve the individuals with developmental disabilities self-advocacy abilities, as well as their parents/caregivers abilities to support them and advocate for them when appropriate; develop the skills of individuals with developmental disabilities, their parents and caregivers, to support others to become self-advocates to participate and be involved in the improvements of the service delivery system policy and practices. This project serves and supports English speaking individuals and families as well as Marshallese & Latino/Hispanic families who have limited English proficiency, have intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and encounter cultural and language barriers to information & services within the community. COMPETITIVE AWARD (RFP 2022-006-GCDDAR). Subgrantee: Arkansas Support Network
The Arkansas Community Initiative for Employment First Project – To mainstream the concept of Employment First in Arkansas; build the capacity to train and educate key stakeholders who support the intellectual and developmental disability population in Arkansas to gain competitive employment in their communities; promote the policy that employment in the general workforce, for at least minumum wage, should be the first and preferred option for individuals with disabilities receiving assistance from publicly funded systems. COMPETITIVE AWARD (RFP 2022-006-GCDDAR). Subgrantee: Central Arkansas Disability Services
The Marshallese Interpreting for Community Inclusion (MICI) Project – To address language barriers and equitable access to disability services in the Marshallese community by providing appropriately trained interpreters who also serve as cultural liaisons for information on cross-cultural views on disability and accessing services. MICI will strengthen community capacity and support project sustainability by training a team of experienced interpreters, expanding access to current interpreter training, increasing the number of training sessions provided to disability service providers, and increasing networking opportunities between the Marshallese community and disability service providers. COMPETITIVE AWARD (RFP 2022-006-GCDDAR). Subgrantee: University of Arkansas, Partners for Inclusive Communities
The Arkansas Alliance for Disability Advocacy Project – To create an active alliance of advocacy programs that work together to give self advocates, parents and peer advocates and local & state leaders the tools they need to be active within the disability advocacy movement; the project will provide leadership training, organizational training & support and disability advocacy education. Disability Rights Arkansas and the GCDD Arkansas will work through the Arkansas Alliance for Disability Advocacy (AADA) to operate and manage the Self-Advocacy Network Development Program, the Community of Champions Program and the Partners in Policymaking Arkansas Program. SOLICITED COLLABORATION (RFP 2022-007-DDNTWK-AADA). Subgrantee: Disability Rights Arkansas
The Council supported a variety of projects across the state in the 2021-2022 grant period. The project period ended 06/30/2022:
The Marshallese Interpreting for Community Inclusion (MICI) Project – To provide information/training on available community resources & reach under-served individuals & families. CONTINUATION
The Reducing Barriers NWA Project – To serve & support Marshallese & Latino/Hispanic families who have limited English proficiency, have intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) or have youth with IDD overcome challenging barriers to information & services within the community. CONTINUATION
The DD Network New Advocacy Initiative – Create an active alliance of advocacy programs that work together to give self advocates, parents and peer advocates and state leaders the tools they need to be active within the disability advocacy movement; the project will provide leadership training, organizational training & support and disability advocacy education. Disability Rights Arkansas and the GCDD Arkansas will work with the Arkansas Alliance for Disability Advocacy (AADA) to operate and manage the Self-Advocacy Network Development Program, the Community of Champions Program and the Partners in Policymaking Arkansas Program. SOLICITED COLLABORATION (DD Network)
These projects were granted a 3 month “bridge grant” to finish up project activities in the final 3 months of the 2017-2021 5 year state plan. The project period ended 09/30/2021:
The Community of Champions Advocate Training Project/DD Services Awareness Campaign – To educate advocates and allies on the needs of Arkansans with I/DD and to inform individuals with I/DD and their families of available supports and services. SOLICITED CONTINUATION
The Self-Advocacy Network Development Project (SAND) – To employ statewide self-advocacy coordinator and support that coordinator in reversing the trend of declining local SA organization participation (by providing training to create strong SA leaders across Arkansas). SOLICITED COLLABORATION CONTINUATION (DD Network)
The Council supported a variety of projects across the state in the 2020-2021 grant period. The project period ended 06/30/2021:
The Community of Champions Advocate Training Project/DD Services Awareness Campaign – To educate advocates and allies on the needs of Arkansans with I/DD and to inform individuals with I/DD and their families of available supports and services. SOLICITED CONTINUATION
The Self-Advocacy Network Development Project (SAND) – To employ statewide self-advocacy coordinator and support that coordinator in reversing the trend of declining local SA organization participation (by providing training to create strong SA leaders across Arkansas). CONTINUATION
The Bridge Project – To provide individual participants an integrated work experience that introduces them to the workplace, puts them on the employment path with learning job skills & interviewing practice.
The Guardianship and Alternatives to Guardianship Conference and Toolkit Project – To bring people with disabilities and their supporters together for education and training about guardianship and provide ongoing access to tools, information and resources to support self-advocacy and self-determination. COLLABORATION CONTINUATION (DD Network)
The Jobs 4 You Project – A supportive employment program that provides vocational training, job placement, job coaching, therapy services, & transportation to help individuals with disabilities gain meaningful employment in the community.
The Marshallese Interpreting for Community Inclusion (MICI) Project – To provide 1information/training on available community resources & reach under-served individuals & families.
The Ready to Work Project – To develop modules that can be implemented by paraprofessional or certified staff within a specific time frame to lead to competitive integrated employment for adults with intellectual & developmental
The Reducing Barriers NWA Project – To serve & support Marshallese & Latino/Hispanic families who have limited English proficiency, have intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) or have youth with IDD overcome challenging barriers to information & services within the community.
The SET for Success Project – Expansion of the high school transition program, SET for Success, to include areas of the state that are under-served due to geographic or other issues. The goal is to prepare students with an IEP or 504 plan for life after high school.
The Council supported a variety of projects across the state in the 2019-2020 grant period. The project period ended 06/30/2020:
The “Community of Champions” Advocate Training Project/DD Services Awareness Campaign – To educate advocates and allies on the needs of Arkansans with I/DD and to inform individuals with I/DD and their families of available supports and services. SOLICITED CONTINUATION
The Guardianship and Alternatives to Guardianship Conference and Toolkit Project – To bring people with disabilities and their supporters together for education and training about guardianship and provide ongoing access to tools, information and resources to support self-advocacy and self-determination. COLLABORATION (DD Network)
The Provider Transformation Project – To increase competency of employment service providers in providing support for competitive integrated employment and to build capacity of employment service providers. CONTINUATION
The Self-Advocacy Network Development Project (SAND) – To employ statewide self-advocacy coordinator and support that coordinator in reversing the trend of declining local SA organization participation (by providing training to create strong SA leaders across Arkansas). CONTINUATION (DD Network)
The Council supported a variety of projects across the state in the 2018-2019 grant period (ending 09/30/2019):
The “Community of Champions” Advocate Training Project/DD Services Awareness Campaign – To educate advocates and allies on the needs of Arkansans with I/DD and to inform individuals with I/DD and their families of available supports and services. CONTINUATION
The Guardianship and Alternatives to Guardianship Conference and Toolkit Project – To bring people with disabilities and their supporters together for education and training about guardianship and provide ongoing access to tools, information and resources to support self-advocacy and self-determination. COLLABORATION (DD Network)
The Independence Project – To create a path to independent living through CIE and promote healthy lifestyles for individuals with I/DD. CONTINUATION
The Provider Transformation Project – To increase competency of employment service providers in providing support for competitive integrated employment and to build capacity of employment service providers. CONTINUATION
The Self-Advocacy Network Development Project (SAND) – To employ statewide self-advocacy coordinator and support that coordinator in reversing the trend of declining local SA organization participation (by providing training to create strong SA leaders across Arkansas). CONTINUATION (DD Network)
The Transitions for Life and Career Project – To increase access to and coordination of educational and vocational opportunities for individuals with I/DD to train as direct care professionals, increasing their career readiness and leading to more employment opportunities. CONTINUATION
The Council supported a variety of projects in the 2017-2018 grant period to benefit Arkansans with I/DD and their families. These projects took place across the state, with programs in every Congressional District. Projects listed below are grouped by Area of Emphasis:
Supporting Self-Advocacy (SA)
The Self-Advocacy Network Development Project (SAND) – To employ statewide self-advocacy coordinator, and support that coordinator in reversing the trend of declining local SA organization participation (by providing training to create strong SA leaders across Arkansas). CONTINUATION
Access to Community Supports & Services
“Community of Champions” The Advocate Training Project/DD Services Awareness Campaign – To educate advocates and allies on the needs of Arkansans with I/DD and to inform individuals with I/DD and their families of available supports and services.
The Community Resources Awareness and Training Project – To provide information/training on available community resources and reach underserved individuals and families.
Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)
The Provider Transformation Project – To increase competency of employment service providers in providing support for CIE and to build capacity of employment service providers. CONTINUATION
The Independence Project – To create a path to independent living through CIE and promote healthy lifestyles for individuals with I/DD.
The Transitions for Life and Career Project – To increase access to and coordination of educational and vocational opportunities for individuals with I/DD to train as direct care professionals, increasing their career readiness and leading to more employment opportunities.
“Employing Possibilities” The CIE Awareness Campaign Collaboration Project – To increase employer awareness of the diverse pool of capable, potential employees with I/DD and to increase competitive, integrated job placements.
The Ready to Work Project – To assist in the transition from sheltered to integrated workplace and provide increased job opportunities for individuals with I/DD.
Projects funded by the Council for the period of 10/01/2016 – 09/30/2017, pursuant to Interagency Agreements:
Council Website and Marketing Project (with Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration – Management Services)
Arkansas Department of Human Services / Developmental Disabilities Division (DDS) Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Partnership (EFSLMP) Provider Transformation Project – To provide mentoring and training for service providers on the transition from sheltered work environments to competitive, integrated employment. This project had kick-off meeting on Monday, February 27, 2017. A contracted Subject Matter Expert was engaged to provide intensive technical assistance and guidance to both community based and state agency service providers and staff in working through this transition.
University of Arkansas / Partners for Inclusive Communities Self Advocacy Network Development (SAND) Project – To employ a statewide Self-Advocate coordinator (who is a Self-Advocate), to provide regional training across the state for self-advocates, and to support the hosting of a regional conference for Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE). Arkansas’ statewide Self-Advocate coordinator began work in December 2016 as Disability Rights Arkansas’ Self-Advocate Coordinator.
The Arkansas Developmental Disabilities Advocate Training Fund (DDATF) was a funded program of the GCDD Arkansas from 2016-2019.
The Council staff administered this reimbursement program which provided funding for Arkansans with developmental disabilities, their family members, or their guardians to participate in professional or informational conferences, legislative advocacy skills training events, public forums, focus groups, hearings and other similar activities. This fund was designed to empower individuals with disabilities and their family members with the opportunities, experiences, resources and information they need to participate meaningfully in the decisions that are being made which affect their lives. This fund had a set total maximum amount available for use each fiscal year, designated by the Council.
In 2019, the Council voted to discontinue use of the DDATF, a consumer participation fund. This was done pursuant to guidance from federal funding agencies and our national technical assistance subject matter experts.
The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities is funded through Public Law 106-402 with a grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services (US HHS), Administration for Community Living (ACL), as administered by the Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (OIDD).