The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities supports projects to benefit Arkansans with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families across the state to achieve the goals and objectives of the Council’s state plan.
Funding may be awarded for subgrants for projects which will support the following GCDD State Plan Goals and Objectives under our current 2022-2026 Five-Year State Plan:
Goal 1 – People with developmental disabilities and their families will be active in advocacy activities that improve their lives, the lives of others and the service system.
Goal 2 – People with developmental disabilities and their families will have improved access to community support and services.
Goal 3 – The Council will collaborate with the PASSEs, state agencies, and/or community programs to improve competitive, integrated employment of Arkansans with developmental disabilities.
GCDD Arkansas grant opportunities are listed on when available. Please see our Apply for Funding Page to learn more about how to apply.
Current Funding Opportunity – March 2022
The Notice of Funds Available / Request for Proposals 2022 is live at This NOFA/RFP was released on 03/15/2022.
Application URL:
Application Deadline: April 13, 2022
When ready to fill out the Application, first login to your organization on DD Suite, and then paste the url address into your browser.
A virtual applicant workshop will be offered on March 23rd, 2022, by video conference, at 10 am and 3pm.
To register for the workshop or for additional information contact: Melissa Trostel-Hall, at 501-682-2918, or [email protected].
Federal Source of GCDD Arkansas Funds:
CFDA # 93.630
Funding Source: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES/Administration for Community Living
Title of Program: (SCDD) DD Act State Councils on Developmental Disabilities
Award Authority: P.L. 106-402 (DD Act)
Grantee: Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration/Governor’s Council on DD Arkansas
The Council has the discretion to allocate these funds through a competitive grant process, solicitation of work, direct expenditure or a combination of these approaches. The Council is bound to grant awards only to the extent that the funds are or become available from US HHS/Administration for Community Living.