Arkansas Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

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2021 National Preparedness Month – Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love. National Preparedness Month is an observance each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. Disability intersects every demographic group—there are people with disabilities of all ages, races, genders or national origin. And, disabilities can impact a person in a variety of ways—both visible and invisible. For people with disabilities and their families, it is important to consider individual circumstances and needs to effectively prepare for emergencies and disasters. 

Disasters are a year-round threat that can impact a family, community or entire region of Arkansas in a matter of minutes without warning. Many Arkansans are annually displaced from their homes due to natural disasters like tornadoes, flooding, ice, fire and other forms of severe weather. But, the million-dollar question is, “Are you prepared to protect?”

What will you do if you have to replenish your medicine because you lost power and you were unable to refrigerate your medications? What if lightning strikes your home and your power supply for your assisted devices are blown? How will you move around your home and evacuate if the situation arises?

Disasters are never convenient and seem to impact us at the worst possible moment. However, there are ways to better prepare yourself and your family to weather the storm a little smoother.


For more tips and a detailed checklist, go to the emergency preparedness Resources page on our website for free tools. also has many resources to support people with disabilities and their support network to be prepared. Visit to learn more.