Arkansas Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

inclusion. integration. independence.

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Opportunities for Public Comment

Check this page to find opportunities to provide your input! Your comments on how your state’s and country’s service systems work are very important to creating and improving services to all citizens.

What is a public comment? A public comment is a comment to a federal and/or state agency providing relevant feedback to a proposed rule or regulation under consideration by the government.

Who can make a public comment? Everyone! Public comments are open to all people (individuals, organizations, other agencies, business owners, stakeholders, etc.) interested in the proposed regulation.

Follow these links to find resources from the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities on public comments:
How to Participate in the Rulemaking Process
Public Comment and Regulations

Why is providing comments so important? Participating in this process ensures that YOU have a say in how you and your loved ones are served through government/public systems.

According to the Harvard Law School’s Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, Public Commenting is an important opportunity to make your voice heard. It is essential to providing input in the development of effective rules and regulations that serve your community. Find out more in this document: Why Public Comments Matter


02/23/2023     HUD Fair Housing Proposed Rule (this opportunity for public input ends 04/10/2023)

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) seeks comments on a recently published proposed rule implementing the Fair Housing Act’s mandate to “affirmatively further fair housing” with actions to overcome patterns of discrimination, promote fair housing choices, and eliminate disparities in housing opportunities.

The proposed rule provides that housing programs must consider people with disabilities and accessibility needs as central concepts when assessing and addressing barriers to fair and equitable housing

For more about this rule download this FAQ and fact sheet or this 2-page quick reference guide

HUD seeks public comments, including from disability and aging stakeholders, through April 10. Comments can be submitted online through


Public Comments to the Arkansas Department of Human Services

Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS)
Division of Medical Services (DMS)
P.O. Box 1437, Slot S295,
Little Rock, AR 72203-1437

P: 501.682.8292
F: 501.682.1197

All DHS proposed rules, public notices, and recently finalized rules may also be viewed at: Proposed Rules & Public Notices

Public comments to Arkansas DHS must be submitted in writing at the above address or at the following email address: [email protected]