Arkansas Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

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Executive Director Eric Munson Receives New Appointment

The Arkansas Council and staff congratulate Eric on his new appointment. Please read below a press release issued yesterday by the Arkansas Department of Commerce.

Eric Munson named Securities Department Commissioner

Press release 2020-05-14 10:25
By the Arkansas Securities Department / Arkansas Department of Commerce

May 14, 2020 (LITTLE ROCK, Ark.) — Secretary of Commerce Mike Preston announced today the appointment of Eric Munson as the new Commissioner of the Arkansas Securities Department. Munson will replace Edmond Waters, who served as Commissioner since February 2015.

 “I am thrilled to have Eric here at the Arkansas Department of Commerce as Commissioner of the Arkansas Securities Department,” said Secretary of Commerce Mike Preston. “He brings a great deal of experience in the public and private sectors working in both the securities and financial services arena.”

“I am pleased Eric will serve our state under my administration,” said Governor Asa Hutchinson. “His role is key as we continue to foster innovation and protect investors through enforcement and financial literacy education for Arkansas.”

Munson will begin his new role on Monday, May 18.

“It is an honor to serve as Arkansas Securities Commissioner and join the Commerce team,” said Eric Munson. “My responsibilities will be to implement and oversee the Arkansas Securities Act while putting Main Street investors first. It would be my objective to protect and inform the investing public, while promoting integrity, fairness, and full disclosure in all financial transactions. I plan to ensure a free and competitive securities market for Arkansas, increase investor confidence, and thereby encourage the formation of capital and the creation of new jobs in Arkansas.”

Munson comes to the Department of Commerce with over a decade of experience in the financial services Industry. He was formerly an investment banker at Stephens Inc. in their public finance department as a financial advisor, underwriter and placement agent for Arkansas municipal bond issues.  He also was a financial consultant and registered representative at Smith Barney (now JP Morgan).

Munson served as Senior Vice President and Director of Legislation and Regulation for the Arkansas Bankers Association (ABA) where he oversaw the association’s government relations program. He advocated public policy positions for Arkansas’ bankers, their customers and the banking industry.

Munson currently serves as the Executive Director of the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities where he led an agency overhaul resulting in a firm foundation for advocacy, capacity building, and systems change work on behalf of the state’s DD community. 

About the Arkansas Securities Department

Charged with implementing and overseeing the Arkansas Securities Act, Arkansas Fair Mortgage Lending Act, the Arkansas Money Services Act, Arkansas Savings and Loan Act and the Arkansas Credit Union Act, the Arkansas Securities Department regulates the sale of securities, securities brokerage firms and their agents, state-registered investment advisers and their representatives, mortgage loan companies and their loan officers, money services companies and state-chartered credit unions and savings & loans. Their activities include registration, compliance, investigation of customer complaints and consumer education. The Arkansas Department of Commerce is the umbrella department for workforce and economic development drivers. Its divisions and regulatory boards include Division of Aeronautics, Waterways Commission, Wine Producers Council, Division of Workforce Services, Office of Skills Development, State Bank Department, Insurance Department, Securities Department, Economic Development Commission and Development Finance Authority. It was established July 2019 as part of Governor Asa Hutchinson’s wide-sweeping efficiency and transformation efforts to reduce 42 cabinet agencies to 15 while maintaining services for all Arkansans.

Alisha Curtis, Chief of Communications and Legislative Affairs

About the Arkansas Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities

The Council is a federally funded state agency that promotes integration, inclusion and independence for Arkansans with developmental disabilities. Council members are self-advocates, relatives and/or caregivers of individuals with DD, state agency directors, and representation from nonprofit and private organizations. The Council works to encourage self-advocacy; to remove barriers to information, services and support; to advocate for policy changes; to develop and support coalitions; and to educate community leaders. For more information about the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities and its mission, browse more pages on this website, or call 501-682-2897. Follow the Council on Facebook and Twitter @gcddar. You can also find Arkansas GCDD on YouTube.