Arkansas Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

inclusion. integration. independence.

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Goals &

Work Plan

The Arkansas Council

Quarterly Meeting Schedule

The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Arkansas meets quarterly, on the second Thursday of March, June, September and December, from 10am-1pm (Central). In some instances, the Council Chairperson may change a quarterly meeting date or call a special meeting outside of this schedule, with reason. Public meeting information is shared in advance on this website calendar and the State public meeting calendar; in some cases it may also be shared via email or social media.

GCDD Arkansas meetings are public meetings. If you plan to attend and need specific supports or accommodations, please contact staff as early as possible in order to give reasonable notice for our staff to make the arrangements. Contact Scottie York for links, locations and other details.

Contact: s[email protected]

2025 Meetings:

  • March 13 
  • June 12
  • September 11
  • December 11

Current Governor Appointees to the Council:

Carrie Hollis-Anthony, Hot Springs.  Non-Profit Representative. Applied for re-appointment for term to expire December 1, 2027.

Katherine Donoven, Sherwood. Parent Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2026. **Selected by Governor to serve as Chairperson.

Syard Evans, Fayetteville.  Non-Profit Representative, Arkansas Support Network. Appointment expires December 1, 2025.

C.W. Gardenhire, Beebe.  Parent Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2024.

Mark George, Rogers. Parent Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2024.

Ke’Arus Henderson, Little Rock.  Self-Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2023. Applied for re-appointment for term to expire December 1, 2028.

Kacey Hodges, Springdale.  Self-Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2025.

Ludwik Kozlowski, Jr., North Little Rock. Self-Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2024. **Selected by Governor to serve as Vice-Chairman.

Ann Price, North Little Rock.  Self-Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2025.

Amanda Sanders, Mountain Home.  Institution – Parent or Guardian (of an Arkansan who previously lived in or currently lives in an HDC). Appointment expires December 1, 2026.

Heather Shrader, Batesville.  Parent Advocate. Appointment expired December 1, 2023. Applied for re-appointment for term to expire December 1, 2028.

Christopher Tebbetts, Mountain View.  Self-Advocate. Applied for re-appointment for term to expire December 1, 2027.

Maria Villagran, Lowell.  Parent Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2026.

Janette Williams-Smith, Cabot.  Parent Advocate. Appointment expires December 1, 2026.

VACANT – Parent Advocate – Appointment pending.

VACANT – Parent Advocate – Appointment pending.


 DD Network representatives:

Karan Burnette, Director, Partners for Inclusive Communities; University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). 

Tom Masseau, Executive Director, Disability Rights of Arkansas; State Protection & Advocacy System.  


 Per EO 15-19, Council members representing principal state agencies shall be appointed by the Governor without a term expiration date and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

 VACANT, Director, Division of Aging, Adult, and Behavioral Health Services, Arkansas Department of Human Services

Joseph Baxter, Commissioner, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services.

Jennifer Breeze, Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities Services, Arkansas Department of Human Services.

Toni Roy, Policy Development Coordinator, Division of Medical Services, Program Development & Quality Assurance, Arkansas Department of Human Services; Parent Advocate

Rhonda Saunders, Coordinator, Special Education Division, Arkansas Department of Education.

Annual Reports

FFY2022 GCDD Arkansas Annual Report

FFY2023 GCDD Arkansas Annual Report


GCDD Arkansas Bylaws

Policies & Procedures

GCDD Arkansas Grant Manual

GCDD Arkansas Policies and Procedures