Inviting the disability community to come together in Hot Springs Arkansas for a vital discussion.
A voter education session will be followed by a candidate forum at the Hot Springs Convention Center, in Room 204, on October 8th from 4:30 pm-7:30 pm.
We build up the power of the disability vote through increasing civic engagement in the disability community. Voter education makes us ready and comfortable to vote. Interacting with candidates helps us understand how they may represent our interests when they are policymaking.
ASL interpretation will be provided.
Where: Hot Springs Convention Center, 134 Convention Blvd., Hot Springs, AR 71901
When: October 8, 2024 from 4:30 pm-7:30 pm
Contact: Sherice Smith by emailing [email protected]
or call 501-296-1775 or Toll Free 800-482-1174
Sherice is a Special Projects Coordinator at Disability Rights Arkansas (DRA). DRA is the independent, private, nonprofit, nonpartisan Protection and Advocacy organization authorized by Federal and State law to protect and advocate for the civil and legal rights of people with disabilities in Arkansas.
This event is hosted by the Arkansas Disability Policy Consortium (ADPC), in partnership with Disability Rights Arkansas, and other member organizations. The GCDD is a member of the ADPC.

Find out more about civic engagement and voting here.
This Voter Education & Candidate Forum event directly follows the last sessions of day 2 of the Arkansas APSE Employment First Conference. Many thanks to AR APSE for allowing us to add this event to the day.
What is APSE?
APSE is the only national, non-profit membership organization dedicated to Employment First, a vision that all people with disabilities have a right to competitive employment in an inclusive workforce. People with disabilities should not work sequestered in sheltered workshops, earning only pennies an hour. APSE wants people with disabilities to enjoy the company of a wide range of coworkers, an opportunity for greater financial independence, and the ability to contribute to the economy. APSE provides their members with the tools, opportunities, and timely information needed to take action and build better workplaces through work with policymakers and employers. APSE is the national voice on workplace inclusion. Arkansas APSE is the local chapter for this national movement.

For more information visit the AR APSE website: or you can contact AR APSE at [email protected] with any questions.