Arkansas Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

inclusion. integration. independence.

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A message from Chairperson Donoven

Thriving Together By Katherine Donoven We are all facing uncertainty right now. In the last few weeks, each day has brought new information and concerns that alter the way we expect life to unfold. Today, I am supposed to be in Cambridge, Massachusetts to present on team building. My trip, like so many other events […]

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM)

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month Arkansas 2020 Join the Arkansas Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD or Council) in raising awareness about the importance of inclusive communities and acceptance for people with disabilities. This year the Arkansas Council’s theme is ‘Get to know me’. People with disabilities are people, first and foremost, and want to be […]

Vice-Chair Kozlowski Pens Guest Blog for Autism Society of America

Building Relationships and A Career Path through Supportive Mentors by Lud Kozlowski At first, being identified by others as autistic offended me, whether it was by a doctor or just someone I met in passing. I knew there were times growing up and as an adult when I obsessed over a matter, and those times […]

January is National Mentor Month

Will You Become a Mentor in 2020? Mentoring someone can forge the building blocks of your own success while helping others reach their greater potential. Sometimes being a mentor to someone is not as obvious as having a name tag that says “Mentor” or saying, “I’ll be your mentor.” Providing advice, training or sharing stories […]

Thank You, Family Caregivers

Giving Thanks to the Family Caregiver November, as you may know, is National Family Caregivers Month. It is a month to show our appreciation and support for the caregivers in our lives; there are many. The National Alliance for Caregiving estimate that there are 44 million individuals in the U.S. who are caring for a […]

National Family Caregivers Month – November 2019

Who Takes Care of the Caregiver? Have you ever thought, “Who takes care of doctors when they get sick?” or “Who cuts the barber or hairstylist’s hair?” Have you asked, “Who takes care of the caregiver?” These individuals pour their energy and love into providing care for their loved one’s day in and day out, […]

NDEAM in Arkansas #4 – Competitive Integrated Employment Stories: Kim Gatewood

On October 19th, 2019, Kim Gatewood, self-advocate and administrative assistant, was featured on social media by national APSE (Association of People Supporting Employment First), sharing her competitive, integrated employment story. Please briefly describe your current job. I am the administrative assistant for the staff of my state’s council on developmental disabilities. I work 20 hours […]

NDEAM in Arkansas #3 – Competitive Integrated Employment Stories: Lud Kozlowski

On October 14th, 2019, Lud Kozlowski, self-advocate, business analyst, GCDD member and Vice-Chair, was interviewed and shared some of his experience in competitive, integrated employment. Please briefly describe your current job. I am a senior member enrollment benefits specialist at a large health insurance company. What barriers have you experienced in finding a job in […]

NDEAM in Arkansas #2 – Inclusive Employment. Find the Right Talent, Right Now!

Providing opportunities for individuals based on their abilities, not on their disabilities, can not only enrich a business’s culture but also the community the business serves. National Disability Employment Awareness Month, celebrated each October, advocates for employers of all sizes to actively participate in inclusive employment of individuals with any type of disability. You may have questions. […]

National Disability Employment Awareness Month in Arkansas #1

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and Arkansas had a great first week celebrating inclusive employment. On October 1st, Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) Arkansas members and staff joined Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS) at the State Capitol for the Arkansas NDEAM kickoff event, along with Lt. Governor Tim Griffin, DisabilityIN, the Arkansas […]